1709 N Wayside Dr, Houston, TX 77020
 • M-F 7:30 AM - 6:00PM
 • SAT 8:00AM - 4:00PM
 • SUN 9:00AM - 3:00PM

Truck Boyz Deals

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About Truck Boyz

We're an independent truck parts, tires and chrome shop located conveniently near I-10 and 610, and are proud to be the go to spot for both local and out-of-town truckers and mechanics alike. We stock a variety of air brake, engine, suspension parts as well as others. Here at Truck Boyz we provide the best truck parts, tires and chrome accessories for all the major heavy duty trucks and trailers. Our goal is to provide you the best products, prices, with exceptional service.
Come see us today!
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